Most people have an inherent pre-conceived notion that a property should have only ONE wind turbine.
To see a BIG commercial system click here
Mini Wind Farm Advantages:
More total power per dollar spent.
Easy self installation. No cranes or heavy equipment needed.
Progressive affordability. Start small and add more turbines as you can afford them.
Redundant dependability with multiple turbines running.
Very winter proof! Snow and ice create no major problems for small wind turbines.
No high wind speed worries. Small turbines are extremely durable in storms!
No building permits required in many areas for low level turbines mounted under 28 feet high.
Flexibly. Add ONLY as many turbines as you need to run your household.
Less conspicuous than a giant 80 foot tall tower requiring a giant 160 foot radial fall zone.
Can be placed closer to property lines. Great for small properties (Fall Zone Rule)
No expensive towers to buy that can actually cost more than the wind turbine itself!!!!!!!!!!
Mini wind farms blend in with scenery and have a high acceptance rate from neighbors and community.
Customer Comments: "My fork lift battery has been powering our home for 27 years now and still charging strong!
I feel sorry for the people using 95's or L-16's, that is a great way to go if your goal is to
create a mountain of useless lead within your life time or run out of power in the middle of dinner.
This is the best advice you are ever going to get and it is your funeral if you do not listen!
Our 12 volt /19 AC inverters can run for weeks at a time on our monster sized fork lift battery."
Hints for people that are attempting to operate a household and are not on the grid:
Get a fork lift battery! Try calling places that sell used fork lifts. The 12 volt batteries that run fork lifts are the best! Many of these old batteries are discarded because they can no longer operate a fork lift for a full 8 hour work day but they still have enough operational life to run your household for many decades. Many can be bought at recycling prices and still have 90 times more amperage than a brand new bank of automotive type batteries that will only last for 2 or 3 years.
Lifespan of battery types while engaged in demanding alternative energy use:
Cheapest bargain store bought automotive battery - 6 to 8 months life before it goes to the junk heap.
Professional battery store bought T95 battery - 2 to 3 years life before it goes to the junk heap.
Professional battery store bought L-16 battery - 4 to 7 years life before it goes to the junk heap.
Industrial bougWS Fork Lift battery - The one I own is 31 years old now, I will let you all know when it finally dies.