For climate control the ELECTRIC/ AIR POWERED car also has superior advantages.
When air is compressed it gets boiling hot and when released it gets freezing cold.
This fact is the basis of a climate control system that requires NO additional power.
Again, The ELECTRIC/ AIR POWERED car is a natural!
"The ELECTRIC/ AIR POWERED car is the B.A.T. (Best Available Technology)"
Our ELECTRIC / AIR-CAR theory is different to all others since we only use a relatively tiny air
tank and then use battery power to make instant air pressure in small amounts.
The advantage is that controlling air is much cheaper then controlling electricity!!
Simple air valves are MUCH cheaper than IGBT's and all other fancy electronics.
Large air tanks also means big explosions even if they are made out of carbon fiber.
Pressurizing the air as you drive has many advantages so it is much more practical.
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